Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What Is Happening In Darfur Is Genocide.

What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
Say it with me, boys and girls.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
Are we clear on this?
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
Is everyone on the same page?
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.
What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE.

We must never lose sight of this. We must focus. We must call it what it is. We must not shy away from it. When someone tries to make it seem less than the horrifying, calamitous thing that it is...........when someone tries to make it less than the crime against all humanity that it is.....we must stand up and roundly, loudly reject that person/persons.

This is a statement on Sudan that was adopted last month by the Africa Taskforce of the GPUS Peace Action Committee. This statement is an updated version of the GRP Statement
"We reject the racist mischaracterization of the situation in Darfur as "genocide" being perpetrated by “Arabs.” Only the government of the United States has labeled the conflict in Darfur as "genocide."

I am standing here, on my soapbox, here at my nonsense blog and saying "NO. NO. NO."

The information on the Green Rainbow Party and much, much more was brought to my attention by Solomonia Blog. You should go and you should read it.
You need to look. You can not turn away. Many people quote Sir Edmund Burke "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." This is what he's talking about.

What is happening in Darfur is GENOCIDE. Save Darfur.


  1. I wonder what these same folks thought of Rwanda?

  2. What Is Happening In Darfur Is Genocide.

    Yes it is. But we must never say so. It might offend some muslim somewhere.

    Slavery still exists in Islamic states. But we must never say so. It might offend some muslim somewhere.

    Well, offend away. I'd say you qualify as one of Burke's 'good men' even if you can't pass the physical. Besides, I'm sure it's 'men' in the sense of 'mankind' not just someone with external genitalia.


  3. OK, so what are YOU doing? Perhaps I will emulate you if I see something of substance.

  4. I am acknowledging it. I am not letting deniers go unanswered. I am staying abreast of the issue.
