Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Smile When You Need It

I get so tired of the MSM spin on the US, The CINC, the military, GWOT, OIF, OEF....the whole nine yards. But once in a while someone takes on one of these stories and does it with such style and humor.......
The Dissident Frogman does it with the story of the Iraqi woman who told reporters that two bullets had hit her house.
You know I don't have any great weapons knowledge. I have fired weapons only once at last summers MilBlogger Shootout (picture on sidebar is proof). I usually skip John's Whatzis, because I wouldn't even know where to begin (except when the images conjure lewd thoughts). But even I knew those weren't bullets that were fired into her house. How could war correspondents make that mistake?

Anyway, The Armorer linked him here and I had the chance to finally watch the video and it is not to be missed.

Go, watch.

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