Friday, June 08, 2007

Navy Leads the Way

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates speaking with reporters at the Pentagon, announcing his recommendation that ADM Mike Mullen replace Gen Peter Pace as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff!


Now.........who will be the next CNO? Admiral Timothy J. Keating? Admiral Gary Roughead? Admiral Henry G. "Harry" Ulrich, III? Admiral Patrick M. Walsh? Admiral Robert F. Willard?

Right now I'm saying ADM Roughead.

Another possibility has been raised, Admiral James G. Stavridis. Some think the fact that Roughead just got CFFC rules him out.


  1. Your Navy boys are just taking over the whole show, aren't they? Interesting ...

  2. Your going to hate me but, I think this is a bad idea...

  3. Vice Admiral Thomas Keating is my choice. He is the only flag to have had command of the 3 most important Commands-NAVCENT-NORTHCOM and PACOM. He is a natural and one of my favorites even though he is an airdale.

  4. By the way....I think all of this is a great idea!

  5. I'm gonna miss Pete. He was hot for an old guy.

  6. Anthony - I could never hate you. You are just a misguided Army guy!

    SB - slay me! You think this is a "great idea"? No shit. Guess what? I like chocolate.

    Pia - You made me laugh almost as hard as SB.

  7. SB,
    It seems there's only one way to settle the aggrieved party I believe I have choice of weapons. I choose Jameson's at 10 minute intervals.

    Seriously, (and I freely admit to some degree of parochialism), I'm worried that a blue water sailor mentality might not necessarily be the right approach. I am having the same debate with one of my NCO's who, as a young sailor in the late 60's, moved up and down the Mekong on a PBR.


  8. Pia, if you think Pete is hot then you better check out Walsh. He's sizzling. If he isn't married or hooked up.....someone pleeeeeeease call me!!!!
