Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mama Kelley's Favorite Movie.....

.....was "Gone With The Wind". She loved Clark Gable. I never really got Gable (I was a John Wayne girl myself). But GWTW was a great movie for people who love movies. Lush and beautiful. I've watched it several times and it was my great pleasure to take my grandmother to Harvard Square to see it on the big screen again when it was re-released back in the 80's.

Sixty eight years ago today film censors approved "Gone With The Wind" but fined Producer David O. Selznick $5,000 for objectionable language in Rhett Butler's famous closing line to Scarlett O'Hara: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Can you even imagine this movie without that line?

Jen hates it and that's why I love to tease her about how much like Scarlett she is.......ruthless is a word that come to mind.

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