Monday, May 07, 2007

J.P. Was Here

J.P. of and couldn't be at the conference. Some people wanted him to know he'd be missed. I don't know who this floozy was, but she couldn't even put down her drink for the pic. Geez!
I think when this photo was taken I was sitting down across the room sipping some Earl Grey tea.

J.P. wrote about missing the MilBlogger's Conference.

Reports are now coming in about the 2007 Milblog Conference. And no, I couldn’t attend this year’s Conference, but I heard it was awesome. My brother, sister-in-law, and my Mother attended. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to attend the conference, since I still haven’t been able to attend the first two. My fantasies of the Conference are probably a little odd, because my plan for arriving at the conference, would be pulling up in a stretch limousine with ninjas and pirates as my body guards. It’s tough enough looking like Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise, but combine that with stunning intellect and style, and I suspect it might be too dangerous for me to attend the Third Annual Conference...that, or I'll still be in Iraq.

So.....J.P. wants the 3rd Annual Conference to be a costume party? Well I better get back on Atkins, because I am going as Queen Gorgo.


  1. :) JP got around almost as much as Maggie!

  2. Shouldn't a blog fest be about coming out of disguise and veil to be who people really are when they meet up?

    ANyway... RIP Milo.
    It looks like there will actually be 3 good hours of high octane gunfire and some serious revelations about everyone (my bet is that Logan comes back really soon).

    Damn... it only took 16 hours or so of 24 to get this thing back on track other than those few good moments in between.

  3. SK - LOL!!!!!

    Yeah Him - Milo is the man!!!! Jen and I were screaming!

  4. all i ask is that someone inform me next time so that I can participate in the shennanigans.

  5. all I have to say is... that floozie (and obvious lush), has a great rack!

  6. Oh yeah! Earl Grey tea. Sure. I'll press the "I believe" button!

  7. SB - I don't know what you mean. Earl Grey with a little spot of cream.....just the thing.

  8. Alas! The scenery of the "pre-cock" (izzat a Japanese bird with magnificent plumage - as opposed to a Yankee clippah with a magnificent superstructcha) was far more pleasurable than what some of us were forced to endure...

    *deep, regretful sigh...*

    Next year... Next year...

  9. Yes, I'm slow.

    All I have to say is that JP sure was on a lotta tits!! haha
