Thursday, May 17, 2007

Godspeed Major Doug Zembiec

I've read a lot of stuff about Major Zembiec over at Op-For and BlackFive. However, the most moving thing I have read was in an article over at WaPo.

While Zembiec was stationed at Camp Pendleton after the Fallujah campaign, his parents visited. Zembiec and his father, Don, drove onto the base to shoot skeet and were stopped at the gate by a young Marine. Are you Captain Zembiec's father? the Marine asked. Yes, his father said.
"I was with your son in Fallujah," the Marine said. "He was my company commander. If we had to go back in there, I would follow him with a spoon."

My condolences to Major Zembiec's wife, daughter, parents and his Marine family.


  1. Maggie,

    We can never find the right words to express what such men mean to all of us, though we try in earnest to come up with something to suffice.

    It seems to me though, that regardless of the doom-sayers and defeatists whose shrill cries fill our ears so often, that our nation seems to always find such men, and women, when we need them.

    To me, that is sufficient evidence of Divine Intervention, regardles of the affiliation with theocracy one has.


    AW1 Tim

  2. I had a CO like that. Capt Bosley. I told him once that I would follow him through the gates of Hell. All the guys in my recon/intel section agreed. He left quickly after that. I think we embarrassed him. He was one of the rare few COs that was a true leader of men. If he showed up on my doorstep and asked me to follow him today, I still would.

  3. Ron, I think people are lucky to know people like Capt. Bosley & Maj. Zembiec.

  4. I love this man. One day years from now his daughter will read books and see movies about her father and his brave men.

  5. We have been asked to make 50 HeroBracelets available to Major Zembiec's family, friends and fellow Marines. The cost of the bracelets has been covered by an anonymous donor. Please write us at for more information.
