Thursday, March 29, 2007

Some People Think......

....the Air Force is going to ask Congress to investigate a possible violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, lol.

The Navy is just taking over the whole deal, baby!

Socom Leader To Retire; His Deputy Likely Successor

Army Gen. Bryan "Doug" Brown, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command since September 2003, will retire this summer after four decades in the military. His deputy, Vice Adm. Eric Olson, is the front-runner to replace him, according to officials familiar with the internal deliberations.
If Olson, who once ran the elite SEAL Team Six counterterrorist unit, is nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate, Navy officers will be in charge of the two war fighting organizations most responsible for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Adm. William Fallon was installed March 16 as commander of U.S. Central Command, which along with Socom is based at MacDill Air Force Base.


  1. If you want to win a war - let the Navy handle it.

    If you want to build a golf course - call the Air Force

    And MacDill has one damn fine course...

  2. No truer words! I do love how the AF builds a base. They spend all the money on a nice gym, a great pool and wonderful golf courses. Then they go back to Congress and ask for the money to build a runway!

  3. Piss on golf!
    A golf course is a waste of a perfectly good rifle range.
