Tuesday, February 06, 2007

William Arkin

This has been hashed over many places, The Castle, Op-For, Blackfive........I don't have much to add. I just wanted to point out a funny response I heard tonight on O'Reilly. He had two retired generals on to discuss Arkin's wrongheaded disrepect for the US military. Fox News military analyst Maj. Gen. Robert Scales & author Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong both stated unequivocally that while they disagreed with everything that came out of Arkin's mouth, they would defend with their lives his right to say it. Then Scales said "I know what his problem is and how we can solve it" (I'm paraphrasing here, watch the video) "Mr. Arkin has a problem with the obscene amenities enjoyed by our troops. I can talk to Gen Petraeus. I'm sure we can get him a billet there. Maybe the lovely resort town of Ramadi.....in one of those condos."

Good one Sir!

v/r Maggie

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