Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Public Service Announcement from Technography

I read this earlier and laughed out loud. BS is a funny guy.

This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by someone who is going stir crazy. Enjoy.
I have laughed at the soap and shampoo movement for years.I threw away my "Raspberry Banquet Basket of Love and Fruit with Apricot Scrub with Hawaiian Beach Breeze 2 days after a Tropical Storm" scent.
I junked my "Peach, Milk, Dandelion, and Fresh Mountain Floral Arrangement from Switzerland" Shampoo.
I stopped caring if my Shampoo was Orgasmic, Organic or erogenous.
Now, years after my revolt against the soap and shampoo companies of America....I am finally vindicated.

I, of course, will be hanging on to all the scented products I have..............but's ok for me.

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