Monday, February 26, 2007

LTC Bruce P. Crandall

Today on the Pentagon Channel
1430 - Medal of Honor Ceremony: Commander in Chief George W. Bush presents the Congressional Medal of Honor to LTC Bruce P. Crandall (Ret.) for his heroic actions in the Battle of Ia Drang, while serving with A Company, 1, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in the Vietnam War. (Live)
Encore presentation at 1900

The Armorer, Barb and have the details.


  1. Fascinating -- I live in the DC area and I don't get the Pentagon Channel! Never heard of it. I have the Military Channel, however, which is always good for some eye candy.

  2. The Pentagon Channel is where I first fell in love with MG Rick Lynch. Every Thursday morning they broadcast the Baghdad Brief. Rick did that briefing until May, 2006. They also carry "Battleground" which features John Wayne in some episodes. It's the best place to catch up on any DOD briefings and announcements.

  3. Ah, kind of like my crush on Peter Pace. I completely understand! Funny that I don't get that channel. But then again, I have my own DOD briefer living with me ;o)
