Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Couple of Things

This Day in History - February 1, 1968, the communist Viet Cong began a major offensive of the Vietnam War with a fierce attack on the South Vietnamese city of Hue.

You know who covered this in an interesting way? Dan and Peter Snow on 20th Century Battlefields on the Military Channel. Their episode "Episode 1: 1968 Vietnam" was really great.
Last night Joe Biden went on "The Daily Show" to 'splain himself. Objectively speaking, not a bad move. Morning Edition had a blurb on the controversy. Juan Williams said the best comeback was from Al Sharpton. I agree, it was funny and to the point. The exchange between Biden and Sharpton was reported in The New York Times:

Mr. Sharpton said that when Mr. Biden called him to apologize, Mr. Sharpton started off the conversation reassuring Mr. Biden about his hygienic practices. “I told him I take a bath every day,”.
Charlestown in the news! Two days in a row. Yesterday the first "suspicious bomb", to quote Da Mayah, was discovered in Sullivan Square T station at one end of Charlestown. Today the suspects were arraigned at the other end. If you watch the coverage of the suspects being walked into court, they are clearly in City Square. They walk past Harvard Park (yes, that Harvard, he was from Charlestown), past the old Shawmut Bank and into the Court House.

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