Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now It Makes Sense

Bravo Zulu to the crew of the AC-130!

On my way home from Mass/CCD Sunday I was listening to NPR. They were reporting that assistant U.S. Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer had cancelled a planned stop in Somalia. Instead, the Somali leader met her somewhere else, Kenya I think.

Now we learn

A U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship attacked suspected al-Qaeda members in southern Somalia on Sunday, and U.S. sources said the operation may have hit a senior terrorist figure.
The strike took place near the Kenyan border, according to a senior officer at the Pentagon. Other sources said it was launched at night from the U.S. military facility in neighboring Djibouti. It was based on joint military-CIA intelligence and on information provided by Ethiopian and Kenyan military forces operating in the border area.

That might be a heads up for the bad guys. When State cancels a visit at the last minute with no explanation, it might be time to get out of Dodge.

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