Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another Wicked Shocka!

Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!

Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.

How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I found this by way of Googiebaba. I've never taken such an easy quiz! LOL I need this to soothe my fragile ego. I was dealt quite a blow this past weekend. Jen & I have fallen in love with 20th Century Battlefields on the Military Channel. SB had heard about it and asked if I had seen it. So naturally, I had to go see it! It is excellent! Peter Snow and his son Dan Snow are the hosts. It's very informative and interesting and always good for a laugh when you hit the point in the episode where Dan dresses up. But the best, best part is the map case. Peter explains some point about a battle and then he open the map case and there are the battlefields brought to life with "award-winning "sand table" CGI effects".

So, now you are wondering........what's the downside, Maggie?

Ah, yes, the downside. The crushing blow to the Princess' ego.

After we watch all seven shows (1918 - the Western Front, 1942 - Midway, 1942 - Stalingrad, 1951 - Korea, 1968 - Vietnam, 1982 - Falklands (which I knew next to nothing about), 1991 - 1st Gulf War) that have aired so far.......there are........quizzes.

Vietnam.......8 out of 10. Pretty bad considering all that I have read on Vietnam. SB was taking an elective on this subject (which he aced, duh! He was there...cheater!) so lately I have been reading even more about it including Bernard Fall's "Street Without Joy". 80%, crap!

War in the Pacific.......9 out of 10. I feel a little better. All those afternoons watching John Wayne in "In Harm's Way" and "Operation Pacific" and "They Were Expendable" were not wasted. Nevermind countless afternoons sitting with my Dad having a constant stream of color commentary during "Victory at Sea".

Korea........hold your nose.......don't tell my Dad........2 out of 10. WTF! How? How could this be? Well, the only explanation I can come up with is that John Wayne never made a movie about Korea.

So when finish the other 270 books in my house that I have to read.......I will find something about Korea. I promise.


  1. Eeeck... 78% for me.

    But I lived in Brookline and Newton for about 3 years in the early 80's and did a contract gig in Cambridge for 7 months in the late 90's.

    Probably an amazing score for a rural upstate NY redneck.

  2. Not for nothing, I think you did pretty well on those history quizzes.

  3. PA - You can't keep someone who had to use an outhouse down for long!
    GB - If you only knew what a geek I was, you too would be disappointed.
    Pia - I think that's an impressive score. Although it makes sense, I was completely comfortable when I went to DC. Not like New Orleans where I needed subtitles to understand and be understood.

  4. HAH. 95%.

    Not bad for a Kentucky boy.

    Like I said, I love the state...even though the BBQ & politics suck.
