Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's About Time for a MG Rick Lynch Post

Here are some Sunday offerings from the "Major General Rick Lynch Fan Club". You can put his name in the "search blog" window in the upper left corner for the other 19 entries, lol.
"NATO: Rewarding Service in the Alliance" This is an article that Rick wrote earlier this year with Lt. Col. Phillip Cuccia. The Princess is not interested in men who are not smart. Rick has a B.S. from the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), an M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Army War College. (How could I have missed him when he was in Boston!!!!!)
Many times when discussing movies and movie stars over the years, I have expressed enthusiasm by stating "I would sit and watch (fill in the name of favorite movie star) read from the phone book!" Often I was speaking of John Wayne or Sean Connery. Now we can add to the list........Major General Rick Lynch!!!! In this video Rick is shepherding his soldiers in the 3rd ID.


  1. You so have an FBI File

  2. You should see that file!

  3. According to a friend of mine who works for the FBI, hers was the first one to be rated NC-17 although there is a memorandum of dissent from Wes Clark because he was never considered for "the rotation."
