Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Countdown to Armageddon

Countdown to Armageddon was a special Jen and I watched on the History channel. I don't know when it was on, we DVR everything now. We watch almost nothing live (that will change when Jack is back on 1/14/07). So Jen and I got more laughs out of this show. It had scientist explaining the seven things that would most likely destroy the earth or civilization. We had an idea what they would be talking about so we kept trying to guess number one. I said global warming, she wondered if Al Gore would show up. Jen got the "V"! Jen said no wonder some people get depressed and kill themselves over this stuff. Out of the 7 disaster listed, 6 destroy not only civilization, but the planet becomes inhabitable. They had first responders on from some town in the Midwest (you know me, if it's west of Worcester, it's hazy) explaining what they'd be facing if the supervolcano under Yellowstone (Jellystone as Jennifer said) Park went. Well after they explained it.....who wants to survive?
So I vote for an avian pandemic. I think it would actually be good for the planet. I know that's cold....but I am mean. For those who survive there would be a lot less overcrowding and pollution. With most of the other disasters there's nuclear winter or the ocean has the pH of battery acid.
They had ordinary people explaining what they would do if they found the world was going to end (if scientists could give you the timeline of an asteroid or the progress of the sulfuric ash in the air hitting covering your city). We laughed with some answers, agreed with others. But we pretty much agreed that world governments would never let scientist tell because there would be chaos. So, my conclusion, whatever it is you would have done, do it anyway. You never know. That's what the nuns always taught us. Live each day like you might meet Christ that night.
Although when the bird flu comes, I'm going to be hard pressed to decide where to wait it out. I want to be with my family and take care of them. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind being with the Princess' Grand Vizier. He is completely prepared to survive. If only I could get m family to go there with me. I'm not any closer to deciding than the last time I had this discussion. Maybe I'll have to flip a coin.


  1. Earth is in the midst of a billion million experiments that result in an ever more stable planet. Pendulums swing and what goes up must come down. Temperatures are rising from the recent glaciation. That's a good thing despite what Al Gore says. The most recent little ice age wiped out the colonists on Greenland. Maybe in 100 years the Vikings will get back to farming!

    There is a lot of exaggeration by populist politicians. Vote for the unpopular pol's who do not exaggerate.

    Every evolutionary change sorts us all out. Bad is followed by good. Good will not last forever but will return. We're on the right path in spite of ourselves.

  2. "They are a good people Kal-el, they wish to be.. they only lack the light to show them the way"

  3. I've got a flashlight...

  4. Please identify yourself in some way so I know how to respond to you. If this is Tom, I will answer one way.....SB another....a stranger, yet another.......
