Monday, October 30, 2006

My Sunday

So Jen rolls up at 0800 so we can make Mass on time. Even with the clocks falling back an hour, it seemed too early. The church was cold...that always suits Jen! Before Mass I was reading the bulletin and there was an announcement about an upcoming event. There will be a talk in two weeks about the history of St. Francis, the second oldest church in Boston and the cemetary behind it. That's right up my church, I'll be front and center. After Mass Jen headed down to our parent's house and I went over to CCD. I told Jen I was starving and Grace better have some food when we got there! My class was great, I love their quick minds and they are learning despite being stuck with me for a teacher.
After class I was standing out front waiting for Jen to roll up and the wind! Holy Moly! Anyway, Jen pulls up and guess what?! She has a plate from my father with a pancake and some bacon! My Dad is the best! Off we go to Grace's. After a short stay there.....we're off to Kelly's play. This was not nearly as easy as it should have been. We pop into Stop & Shop to grab a bouquet of roses for the star and then head for a Route 93 north onramp................but no.............Houston we have a problem. Seems it was the 18th Annual Halloween Witch Hunt Run to Salem. Hundreds of motorcycles causing traffic and onramp closings up past 95. What a mess.
So we were a little late to the play, but we made it. It was funny, Kelly was great, she loved our flowers......success. Then on to our brother's house where we descended with pizza, soda, chips, cookies and caused chaos.
Last stop........the movies. We went to see "The Departed". My verdict....wicked pissa. Loved it.
A long day.
Frankie just made it home. I was holding my breath. He and his posse were at the Jamn 94.5 concert. Always glad when these things are over and my boys are back safe and sound.
I'm off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, in Boston they get to do CCD after Mass? Man, when I was a kid we had to skip out on whatever we were doing on Thurs to go to CCD. Lucky little punks.
