Sunday, September 17, 2006

His Holiness.....

.....Pope Benedict XVI was my pick back when the Cardinals came together in April of '05 for the Conclave. I liked Ratzinger even though the guys at Paddy Power had him down behind Martini and Lustiger. I backed him then and I back him now. He's my guy and I have not been disappointed.

This morning I read something very good on the Pope's remarks by Andrew Bostom.

The most important address commemorating 9/11/01 was delivered on 9/12/06, a day after the fifth anniversary of this cataclysmic act of jihad terrorism. It was not delivered by President Bush, and was not even pronounced in the United States. On September 12, 2006 at the University of Regensburg, Pope Benedict XVI delivered a lecture (“adding some allusions of the moment”) entitled, “Faith, Reason and the University”.

"Habemus Papam"

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