Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lights for Charlestown Little League

Ok, you're out here just surfing anyway, so why not go to this site and do me a little favor. Granite City Electric has a contest every year and they donate lights for a Little League. So, go vote for Charlestown and make me happy.


I'm asking you to vote for Charlestown in the Granite City
to light a field, This is the third year Charlestown has taken part in
contest, I'm asking for your Vote for the youth of Charlestown. click
link below.

Thanks Again, pass it on, we need the Votes! Contest ends Sept.15

Dave Cahill

Head of Baseball Operation's in Charlestown, Ma.

Voting Period: August 1 - September 15, 2006. You can vote once a day.

1 comment:

  1. Charlestown has my vote. Of course it helps that Granite City Electric is the biggest vendor for our company but we are also a big supporter of Little League in the Canton area as well. Anything to make you happy.
