Thursday, July 20, 2006

Time For Change

I don't know if it's my age, or just time, or the phase of the moon........but I need to change jobs soon. I am very good at what I do..........flirting with old men and making them more breathless than when they first got their oxygen. But certain conflicts have progressed to the point where the downside is outweighing the good points. It used to be that I looked forward to work and had no problem working 50+ hours per week. But lately, with every passing day, I dread coming here more. I am lucky to hit 40 hours in a week. Sometimes I am physically here and just not punched in. I blog and surf while I sit at my desk to be available to answer the girl's questions and the phones, but I am not really working. It's a big difference from 18 months ago. It has been getting steadily worse. It's not good for anyone and I am becoming more guilt ridden and resentful every day.

However, it's a good paycheck and it will be hard to duplicate.

Part of me wants to quit.....sell the house.....and take whatever job would cover a roof over my head, my books, lectures and hair coloring. If I could barter room and board, I could live on very little. Unfortunately, if I sell the house, the boys would kill me.

Well, there's always the lottery. Please leave the winning numbers in the comments.


  1. 18,24,6,13,9,27.

  2. 42 is the answer to everything...

  3. That's funny Barb, I thought #82 was the answer to everything.
