Monday, July 17, 2006

This Is Going To Be Quick.....

.....I am fighting to stay awake before I strap into my JetBlue seat and pass out on the trip home to Boston.

Yesterday was the Underground Tour recommended by BCR & Barb. History, quirky stories, funny tour was right up my alley.

Lunch was an experiment, I had a gyro. No, I've never had one before and before you poke fun, remember I was 35 before I tried broccoli.

I tried to hit the Museum of Flight because they were having a special talk by some WWII pilots, but I missed that. Back to the hotel to recharge and then I did what I always do on vacation.....I went to the movies "Pirates of The Carribbean." Good movie.

Today I wandered Pike's Market. I missed the Friday tour led by Barb and enjoyed by the Master and Mistress of Argghhh. (I just couldn't get my act together between the time difference and the phone calls I was getting from the other side of the country.) It was a lot of fun wandering with no set agenda and no real time frame. I picked up little presents to bring back home and enjoyed all the local color. I also got SB's birthday present and it will take all my willpower not to deliver it ahead of the day. He is a challenge to shop for. He's smarter than me (shhh don't tell him, and it's only a litte tiny bit anyway). I am a spendthrift and tend to throw money at a problem. You know I really care when I think about it and I don't spend a lot. When I spotted this particular item in the shop window, I told the guy who owned the shop he had made my day! Then I called SB to crow about my good fortune. I turn myself inside out trying to impress him and I think I've got a winner with this one.

I had a 20 minute reflexology foot massage once I was tired of walking.

Back at the hotel I lounged by the pool (my suit was in the car, but I was too tired) and read.....almost done with Decatur, great book!

You're going to get nothing coherent from this point on, so I am signing off.

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