Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Am Supposed To Be Packing

.....not screwing around out here. I leave tomorrow night for Seattle. There are many events planned in honor of my arrival(there are actually many events planned for the Milboggers ShootOut, I just choose to look at it this way). BCR has graciously offered to host a get together Friday night I so look forward to meeting her as well as Barb......I will watch people shoot things Saturday......Saturday night, black cocktail dress and drinks and debauchery.......Sunday morning breakfast and some touristy stuff.....Monday, whatever I damn well please. There will be no laundry.....or dishes.....or Frankie...or Bill....or Dan. They have girlfriends to feed and clothe and care for them. I will be without responsibility. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

There will be light blogging, no laptop. But I will make a point of hitting the business center so I can keep an eye on the "Tanker Brothers Rolling Victory Fast 2006"


  1. *deepest shade of green, with a dash of self-pity* :(

  2. Have fun at the shootout. Does this mean you won't pack in time?

  3. sk, FbL - I wish you were going and LL too.

    Trias - What I require to have fun is always with me...........
