Friday, July 28, 2006


Last night out at his favorite hangout, Frankie fell into the campfire (off in the woods). He has 1st and 2nd degree burns on his right palm, wrist, and forearm. He was taken by ambulance to MGH. So with my grand total of 2.5 hours of sleep, I am home to shower and go to work. Because of moving the office, phones, computers etc., every work order is in my handwriting/private language. So there is no skipping today. I am headed to the office where there is no Internet......but I have the cell.

Frank was a riot on his morphine, explaining to the intern how you shotgun a beer....telling Erin, the nurse with the meds how grateful he was.......talking nonsense to everyone. If he wasn't so goodlooking, I would have drowned him in a river a long time ago.....too much trouble. Toni is there holding his hand....I am off to the shower.


  1. ooh god.....
    Burns are the worst.

    Thank GOD they drugged him. I hope he's got a supply for the rest of the week.

  2. Fell. Into. The. Fire...

    And he wants to set himself up to snoop and poop in the bad guys' backyard in the finest tradition of the Recon Marines?

    Maggie, you've gotta have a talk with that boy...

    (Hope the recovery is swift and uneventful...)

  3. Burns. I don't like hearing that word. I hope he heals well it doesn't sound too widespread TG.

  4. Jeeez Maggie. I hope he heals quickly.
