Friday, June 16, 2006

Small Acts of Kindness

"A tarp shielded the state police cruiser on Interstate 495 early yesterday morning in Wrentham.

It's a small thing, really, a small act of compassion.

It means Trooper Paul Barry's family and friends won't see the twisted metal on television, won't have that sight enter their minds when they think of the 39-year-old father of seven."

From the Milford Daily News - Julia Spitz
Law enforcement and school officials collaborated yesterday to protect the privacy of state police Trooper Paul Barry’s family in the hours following his early morning death on Interstate 495.

Three marked and two unmarked Massachusetts State Police cruisers blocked off a side street leading to the family of nine’s home on John Edwards Circle. Local police and school administrators shooed the media away from the Kennedy School, where five of Barry’s children are students.

"Right now, we’re trying to deal with the tragedy," Superintendent David Crisafulli said in between fielding calls about the news vans that flocked to the elementary school near dismissal time. "That’s where our energy is focused. We’re being very respectful of the Barry children."

Again, the Milford Daily News - Danielle Williamson


  1. Sounds like a wonderful man, Maggie. I'm sure he will be missed by many- his wife and children the most.

  2. Ahhh, damn - that's a shame. I'm so sorry, Maggie.
    My heart goes out to his family, as he will obviously be sorely missed.

  3. Thank you. He will be missed. Every day.
