Monday, June 19, 2006

Site Meter

Site meter is something that allows me to have a general idea of who visits this blog. My normal daily number is 26. Friends, family, fellow bloggers. Once in a while something spikes my number. It's usually a link from a big Milblogger (military blogger - The Castle, Blackfive, etc.). The past few days my numbers have been up, way up. It's people searching "Paul Barry", "Trooper Barry", "Trooper accident 495", etc.

I'd like to say a few things to those visitors.

1st - Go donate something to the Memorial Fund. I am very pushy and I have no problem ordering perfect strangers around. It doesn't have to be big, but that would be good. It doesn't have to go in a card or letter, but go ahead if the spirit moves you. It doesn't have to go to the address below, you can go to any Bank of America branch. But give something.

The Children of Paul F. Barry Memorial Fund
Bank of America
80 Franklin Village Drive, Franklin, MA 02038

2nd - You are surfing and I am not the only site you will see. I am also surfing. I have corrected two minor mistakes. If you were to find one on the web please contact me if you do not wish to correct it yourself. You can post a message here or email me at Paul was a "Dot-rat" and I am a "Townie".....but I am fiercely protective of him.

3rd - If you knew the Barry's or the Hayes' casually and you are thinking of going to the funeral, reconsider. There is a list for the funeral. They are expecting far more people than can possibly fit in St. Mark's. Therefore, there will be a list, and IDs will be checked. If it meant enough to you to drive to St. Mark's and you aren't on the list then go back to the first statement and make a donation.

4th - Feel free to leave a comment. Also, go to the funeral home's website and leave a message there. If you've read what I'm writing and think you should know who I am, email me, I may tell you.

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