Monday, May 15, 2006

Tonight Was Incredible!

Did you watch "24" Agent Aaron Pierce not the best? I called it as soon as we saw him in the chair. I kept saying where is Martha? Jen was laughing at me and telling me to knock it off. Jen asserted that there was *no way* Martha was going to rescue him. She said Pierce was a dead man. I was right!!!!!!! Yea!!!!

Go over to Blogs4Bauer. I had heard of it, but tonight is my first time there. I am kicking myself for not going sooner. One of the contributors is Buckley F. Williams, who I absolutely love over at "The Nose on Your Face".

The opening line is

Liveblogging: 4 AM to 5 AM
8:52 (local time): If you're showing up at 9:00 EST expecting to see the liveblogging and 24 craziness beginning, get out of my country. Only illegal immigrants wouldn't know that the President was speaking tonight on immigration/border control/guest working issues, and everything on Fox is delayed by 20 minutes.

So come back at 9:20, watch 24, read both of our liveblogs, and then hop the border back to your homeland

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