Tuesday, May 30, 2006

1st Annual Milbloggers Shootout

Francis Marion is organizing an event in the Fort Lewis area. It is cross posted over at The Castle. Someone needs to organize a pub crawl for my entertainment.


  1. Okay, I'll organize the pub crawl just so long as I don't have to go along. The Cheif says you play games I'm not old enough to take part in and understand. That good enough?

  2. NO! You must come along! You will be perfectly safe. I don't poach married men, it's bad for my karma.

    The Chief is not only telling tales out of school....they are not based on first hand observation.

  3. Well....
    I guess I could be the designated driver and minder of loose articles like purses, jackets, and the like(I don't drink, but know lots of jet set type people who do. It's got to do with where I went to school and the people I met there.). Still might get me kabonged though. Jess is very territorial(very).

    Oh, I doubt the Cheif actually told any stories, because he didn't tell me anything even remotely gossipy. He just pointedly told me that you play games my childishly niaeve mind wouldn't get. I'm too literal. Like a 5 year old.

    And good on you for remembering I'm married(and happily so). So many Denizenes forget that and think funny things about me because I offered to paint a kitchen not long ago.

  4. Maggie. I

    Thanks for stopping by Echo9er and leaving your comment. I don't know about the entertainment committee, but I haven't done any shooting since I retired. I'm just willing to take pictures and meet folks since I missed the Conference in DC.

    I'm sure that Barb and others will find a way for you to be entertained.

    As for a pub crawl, I haven't done that since...

  5. Ry & David - I am a benevolent despot.........relax. I look forward to meeting you both.
