Friday, April 28, 2006


United 93 is in wide release today. Many thoughtful discussions are taking place in the blogosphere. Matt at Blackfive thinks you should see it, but respects that some people are hesitant. There is some discussion about people being "ready". Some people are against it because they resent Hollywood "making money" off of this tragedy (See Freedom Watch).

I am not thoughtful or deep. I will be going to see it Monday. I will wait that long only because I dislike crowded, noisy movie theaters (deafgirl). I will see it with my sisters.

Also, I am so full of myself that I have no problem telling others what to do (not suggesting....telling). Go see this movie. Wait a little if you absolutely must. Bring tissue (I will - Grace is weepy). But go see it and soon.

Here's another strong voice - ConservaJew.

This opinion comes to you from someone who believes that they should show 9/11 footage on TV every damn day!

Never forget.


  1. Lex has an excellent post about it, too.

  2. I find that Lex often has a very well written opinions that run parallel to my own more savage, dictatorial ones.

    You are such a good cheerleader!

  3. I am glad I went - and I felt it was very, very well made. It was respectful to all, and while very intense, didn't lead to as many tears as I feared. In fact, I didn't need a tissue at all, although I had to remind myself to breathe a few times.
