Saturday, April 01, 2006

Thomas Owen You Are Grounded!

You may live in Virginia, you may eventually move to Mars...........I still have the authority to ground you!

By the way, smart ass.......the word is schaudenfreud. For the record, I've always had it.

You can post anonymously all you one else would know there has been no major or moderate seismic activity in this area since 1784 off the top of their head..........much less point it out to me.

Lastly..........of course God is watching me..........and He's watching *out* for me.

Love, Mum

1 comment:

  1. *sigh*

    You're Irish, all right.

    No other ethnic group has the knack of knowing the definition of schadenfreude and yet misspelling it so gratuitously...

    *running like a turpentined cat*
