Thursday, April 06, 2006

Roughing It

Last night during a discussion of remote places, certain people inferred that I was too addicted to my "creature comforts". Now it is true that I like to be treated well.

But this is not to say that I can not rise to the occassion. I have witnesses. During this morning's drive to school I was telling Frankie about the accusation and he pointed out that I had been camping. Not only that, I lost my tent and had to sleep outside.

So there Steve.....ppphhhhhtttt!

Years ago when I was a Cub Scout den mother (yes there was a time when I was not the center of the universe), we would do things in the woods. I did the Klondike Derby (snow in the woods), the summer camp (bugs, mud in the woods) and overnight camping. On one of these trips I was going to have three boys, and three adults from my den. My Frankie, his best friend Dan and Brad. I pack stuff for myself, Frankie and his dad (my ex). Dan's mom couldn't go so she sends enough stuff for an army. Brad and his dad show up with two sleeping bags and two sandwiches! Fine. Between what Dan's mom sent and my stuff, we could have fed and outfitted another whole den, except for a tent. So we give the boys the tent. My ex and I (we were exs at that point, but then and now close friends) are sleeping in separate bags off the ground on wood pallets. Brad's dad is on another pallet across the way. It was freezing, the pallet was hard, no light to read by, no spa, no *creature comforts*. In the middle of the night Frankie got out of the tent and into my bag.....we didn't really fit so we couldn't zip.........but Frankie's always been a furnace, so it wasn't bad. We cooked outdoors, hiked, etc. For a city girl like was horrible.

What's my point you say?

Don't ever doubt that I can accomplish anything if I chose to SB!

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