Monday, April 17, 2006


My DVR did not record "24"!!!!!!! What am I going to do?

I went to yoga and could have made it home in time for "24". However, after having my ass kicked in yoga class, I opted for the steam room and taking my time. After enjoying my steam (hair full of deep conditioner
and shower (used the new St. Tropez body scrub)
I dressed and headed home by way of the supermarket. I arrived home, made my dinner, got on the couch, picked up the SECDEF Heller.
Jennifer is my only hope. If she didn't record it, I am throwing myself off the Tobin.


  1. I've got the whole season (so far) on DVD, but my wife was working and hasn't seen last night's epsiode yet. She'd skin me alive if I let that disc leave the premises.

    It was a good one.

  2. Bruce - Thanks for the thought.

    John - Don't be fresh!

  3. Ok, I'll be stale for a bit then.

    I thought that most cable and dish companies had the "on demand" thing these days. Perhaps you should switch providers.

  4. "On Demand" works for HBO stuff, but not regular broadcast stuff like "24". I was saved, Jennifer had it. I watched it last night.
