Friday, March 03, 2006

Where Is This?

Where are these sailors as they model their new digicams?


  1. What a complete farce and waste of the taxpayers money! Why do shipboard Sailors need camoflage?
    I'm sorry Mrs Smith. When your son/daughter fell overboard we couldn't find them because they blended into the sea so well in the new spiffy digicammies.

    What is wrong with a good et of coveralls? This is the useless MCPON trying to have a legacy by trying to please first termers from the 'hood. Make them look cool. A complete loss of common sense!

  2. Did I ask for your opinion, lol? the question was asking the name of the ship!!!!!

  3. Judging from all those strings hanging from the crossbeams or the yardbirds or whatever they're called, the squidly duo is obviously contemplating becoming part of the ragsetters on board the Constitution.

    I see Anymouse dropped by here after he visited the Milblog Meet site and horked on the rug.

    I keep tellin ya, kidlet, ya gotta stop leaving the cellar door unlocked...

  4. That was SouthieBoy and I put up the pic to aggravate him.

    You are of course correct in your answer.

    Why did you think he came by way of the MilBlog meet?

  5. I would have guessed Constitution as well from the large quatity of wooden fixtures in the pic. Funny, the new cammies look just like the Army's. The Corps adopted digital cammies so that we'd have our own cammies (plus funcional cammo), and the Army soon followed suit (no pun intended). What a shock. They all want to be like us. Can't say as I blame them.

  6. I love how you guys are all so smug about your own individual service branches. LOL, it's like when someone from Charlestown meets someone from Southie or Dorchester.
