Friday, March 31, 2006

Last Night Was Chaos

Last night's lecture was supposed to be about history and it veered a little into current events with a very liberal slant. The book had better not be propaganda. The lecture was again part of a series The Lowell Institute sponsers at various venues around Boston. The particular one took place at The Old South Meetinghouse.

Thursday, March 30, 6:30 p.m.
Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing that Divided Gilded-Age America
In May of 1886 Americans awoke to the news that a bomb had exploded a Chicago labor rally killing several policemen. Coming in the midst of the largest national strike Americans had ever seen, the bombing, the mass hysteria it created, and the sensational trial and executions that followed, made headlines across the country. National sentiment turned against the burgeoning labor movement, ending a moment of hope for the nation’s working class. James Green, professor of history at UMASS Boston and Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States will discuss the exhilarating rise of a visionary union movement and its downfall in the wake of the Haymarket tragedy

I missed the lecture last week with former governor Paul Cellucci about Diplomacy in a post 9/11 world. I think I would have enjoyed that a lot more.

So, since I am so far behind on all my reading right afterwards I popped over to my parents and gave the book to my mother for now.

Then I dash to the gym and find....I forgot my sneakers....home....get sneakers....back to the gym....sigh of frustration. I am just ready to close my locker at the gym when Jen calls. She and her boyfriend will need a ride home from Jordano's, but the drunk bus can wait for an hour. So I jump on the treadmill next to Trish and get all sweaty for an hour between that and some machines, take a shower and it's off the grab them. Their bartender is ready to close up and move to his own hangout which is halfway there, so I meet them in Marshfield..........where we end up staying for more than an hour. Jennifer was hysterically funny as usual. At one point when I was telling her about aggravating SouthieBoy.......she stopped me.
Jennifer: Listen, listen, listen, next time you talk to SB, you tell him....can you tell him something?
Me: Yes
Jennifer: You tell him....from me....I said...when you act like that...
Me: Like what?
Jennifer: Like you! You tell him I said he has my permission to call you a bastid!
Me: laughing
Jennifer: I am serious! You are a bastid! He has my permission to say it. Does he know Sr. Ann Rita? (obscure reference to a nun from her school days, a total nonsensical question)

There you go SouthieBoy!

Anyway....I am exhausted! Tonight is Stations and maybe the gym again.........what price chocolate!

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