Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fish Balls

So, the Armorer is in Seoul and the talk turns to nasty food. Kimchee, fish balls,ewww. This caused me to have flashbacks to Malaysia Air onboard breakfasts. Fish balls with curry something and escape. The smell was horrific!
Like nothing else I've ever smelled except for one night in Connecticut. File this under you get what you pay for.

Jen and I were going to Foxwoods and needed a room for the night. We were staying two nights with the second night already booked in the Grand Pequot Hotel on property. So we thought we would cut a corner and stay off property our first night since we were going down late at night and could head over to the Spa early in the morning. Our line of reasoning was...why pay $200 for a room we would be in for 10 or 11 hours tops. So Jen goes on line to book a room. She cuts a further corner and doesn't use Expedia. Somehow, we end up at some horrible place near a truck stop just off of the exit. The address is programmed into her GPS and I am arguing with the mechanical voice. As we near this place we are laughing nervously, it looks awful. They had to unlock the door to the front desk, there were crazy knickknacks for sale, the whole thing is unreal and then...........they hand us a key. Not a keycard, a key attached to a tag with the name of another hotel. We go to the room (doors open right onto the parking lot) telling each other we are not going to stay. Yet we were drawn to the room. We go to use the key and the door just opens under the pressure of my hand. We walk inside and there was no light (I can't remember if we couldn't find a switch, didn't try or it didn't work. Jen is repeating over and over that there is not enough Chlorox Cleanup to take care of this. I couldn't speak. Jen says she looked over at me and she's never seen me look so horrified. I told her I knew that smell and we had to leave.......IT WAS FISH BALLS. We dropped the key and ran. I mean ran! We were laughing so hard that we could barely get in the car. Jen drove across the parking lot, hysterical. I called Foxwoods and they got us into Cedars. They were supposedly completely full, but I explained to the receptionist what had happened. she asked where we were and she said "Get out of there! I'll find you a room!" LOL, I think we called our mother then and told her. The laughs kept coming after that since I tried to use my keycard on some other guys room at Cedars and the room she gave us smelled like cigar..........but we did end up in a clean, non-cigar smelling room by midnight.

Lessons Learned: Fish balls bad. You get what you pay for. Avoid motels that a) are located behind track stops, b) have actual keys, c) lock the reception area at 2100 hours. There is nothing Jennifer and I can't laugh at.

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