Monday, February 20, 2006

Dubai Ports World

I don't feel any better after listening to Chertoff on Meet The Press. Again even though it kills me, Schumer is right. Howie is talking about it on the air now.


  1. hi bostonmaggie! You are right on girl! -- gunjam

  2. I'm just glad more people are paying attention. Last week it was me and Chucky-Schmucky Schumer. And I am someone who lllooovvveees Dubai.

    Thanks for visiting.

  3. This may already be a done deal. There are no US companies interested in doing this work. The other choice is some Singaporean companies with ties to China. Think you'd like that better?

  4. True enough. I would not like the singaporeans any better. Still I want more oversight and transparency in this process. Also, I'd like some conditions put in there. Maybe a huge bond, hell, the Emiratis can afford it. Maybe looking at what these companies have control over and taking some control away. I do realize that this is going to happen. I have all along.

  5. This is a perfect example of globalization!

  6. Gov. Pataki has already given PONY-NJ its marching orders--look into the deal, explore all legal options and do it PDQ.

    Regardless of what occurs, Dubai Ports World will *not* be running security--cold comfort, since security on the Newark docks is about on a par with Park Ranger coverage in the Appalachians.

    Wonder what would happen if the Salafists pulled off a coup and Washington suddenly found itself faced with the spectre of al-Qaeda clones calling the shots on the Eastern seaboard...

  7. I can't believe how tone deaf W is on this issue.
