Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day 3

Day 3 of getting back on Atkins is the worst. It is the day I am most homicidal, lol. Read some interesting stuff last night about the Navy Chaplain who is on a hunger strike. He feels the Navy hierarchy is stifling his freedom of religion. I watched is appearance MSLSD as Mark Levin refers to MSNBC. I am glad the Navy is trying to prevent the mess they had over at the USAF Academy.


  1. Seems a telling juxtaposition of topics...

  2. What is it telling you about me?

  3. You've obviously done the Atkins before. It's been many years since I did it - one of my favorite trats then was making rolls with cottage cheese and eggs (mostly whipped whites). The recipe was in the old '28-day Diet Revolution' book. Bread is the thing I miss most on Atkins, not sweets.

    Bill, meanwhile, has never had a problem fitting into his flight suit and zipping the 27" zipper ;-)
