Thursday, December 29, 2005

BBC News Hour

I know what you are thinking, but really you have to try it.

This morning had an interesting interview with Jack Straw on Darfur. As well as a story on Western countries withholding aid from Ethiopia because of governmental abuses. How gratifying that it's not just looked upon as our obligation. Don't get me wrong, I do believe St. Luke "To whom much is given, much is expected". We are more fortunate and should help others. However, there is more to it. You can accuse me of a paternalistic attitude, guilty as charged. I simply believe that we owe them more than money. With that money should be guidance. It's a stick as well as a carrot. It's also not a never ending ATM. There are those who would say that we don't draw the line in the same place with other countries, but that's like your kids whining abut each other. Right here, right now, this is the right thing to do. Yesterday we made mistakes, tomorrow we'll make more.

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