Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday night

Once a year my mother and sisters come down to the family cottage and spend a "Girl's Weekend". Tonight we went to the Sun Tavern and had a very nice meal.....lots of laughs.

My parents are trying to clear the house of all the useless crap they have accumulated over the years as well as all the stuff their four children have left. Every item they mention throwing away, one of us objects. LOL. They find us very frustrating.....some things never change. A few weeks ago my mother mentioned a "buttonholer" that had a belonged to her aunt. I was close to Aunt Helen growing up and she has been gone for nearly 25 years. My mother mentioned that it was of no use, but it was a really nice one and she didn't want to throw it out, plus it had belonged to Aunt Helen. She mentioned that she should give it to me....I would appreciate it. Now, keep in mind, I don't sew. Even so, I immediately agreed with her, because I am the repository of useless family knicknacks. I had to go into work the next day and ask what the heck a b uttonholer was. My mother and sisters can sew, knit, crochet, embroider........everything. I have no talent what-so-ever. They made fun of me all night for wanting the buttonholer. They finally concluded that they would put ten craft type things on the table. If I could figure out which was the buttonholer, I could have it.


I will let you know how I do.

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