I would have called anyway, it's New Year's Eve. My opening remark was "Can I call back at midnight?" He was paying so little attention he said "Yeah. What? No!" and then started laughing. "Mummy and I haven't seen the ball drop in years!" It always slays me when he refers to her as "Mummy" like when I was four or five. My mother was sleeping so I'll try again tomorrow.
But really I called to hear his voice.
Today on Twitter, @IowaHawk, a really witty smart guy posted that he lost his father.
He help pull me along my entire life. Farewell Hawkdad, the best farmer and finest human being I have ever known. pic.twitter.com/Oq62EEQR6R— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 31, 2017